Friday, December 10, 2010

Module IX

Explain:  I learned a lot about the Larsen Ice sectors through this weeks TD.  Larsen  B sector was around for 12, 000 years and after being discovered was gone after only 100 years;  a mere blip in real world time.  what is of great interest is the abundance of sea life like clams,

Antarctic soft-shelled clam Laternula elliptica

 that were discovered after the collapse; all discovered by accident as scientists were in the Weddell Sea investigating sediment.

After viewing the climate change of Greenland ice sheet
I found out that there is a difference in weather and climate change. and that weather events (ie hurricanes, floods, tornadoes) that take place during a climates period of time are for the most part stable and predictable actions of the earth. But if the
climate change a few degrees in temperatures, life would change radically and
rapid shifts have happened before and are a mystery which goes to show how  volatile the  world is and since it has happened before we want to know when it will happen again.
Extend:  The number of drops of water test was a fun activity to try with my school.  It was more difficult for our younger students to understand the analogy, while my older students and parents were way off on calculations.
The Nenena River breaking up and flowing through was quite a video; the speed of that river shows the power of water as it reshapes the land.  this is an excellent example of how a natural events reshape our land.
I am ready for the final blog.  My slow Internet connections make this class almost unbearable
 to work on. 

My visits this week included:
James' blog which highlighted a lot of his life overseas and had some cool pics and videos.
Sandi's blog which had that photo of the pacific gyre which makes my stomach hurt thinking of the kind of water pollution and other pollutants that we don't always think about on a daily basis.
Bobbi Anne's site had that great photo for their dump site.  I attended an Americorp meeting to discuss how villages are handling recycling and dumps in their towns. I would agree with her about how hard it is to convince people to recycle.

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